Eden Krug is a sarcastic, resilient, yet damaged college student, who is tormented by the death of her childhood friend. A tragedy some hold her responsible for. After reluctantly agreeing to return to her seemingly perfect hometown, a dangerous secret violently threatens to come to light, praying on a group of notorious twenty somethings. Imagine if the mean girls from high school were finally made to pay for the terror they inflicted on those they deemed unworthy.
Killer Selfie is a Horror-Comedy about a social media manager tasked with representing a stoner who gained internet fame by cannibalizing his friends to survive a vacation gone wrong. They return to the site of the tragedy with a mind- bogglingly inept crew of Millennials to create inspirational web content. Their complete lack of real-world skills leaves them stranded in an eerie cave, and the group must fight to outlast the wilderness, the supernatural and a mysterious killer.
Based on a true love story, spanning from Germany occupied France, in the final days of WWII, to the plains of Canada.
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